:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by andrea köln | 16.06.2008

blog: suppenhoroskop
diary: German soup diary 3
galerie: hühnersuppe nach einer kindheitserinnerung
koordinaten: 50.940749, 7.012860

First the chicken is being boiled for about one hour until tender, so you can
separate the meat from the bones easily, than it is being sieved and the water
wherein the chicken has been boiled just now is placed in the soup pot, which
already contains the last day soup, fresh soup vegetable + 3 extra carrots, and a bit of vegetable stock. Then skin and meat must say good bye to the bones.
At last, when soup is boiling, spices are added: salt, pepper, oregano and other spices (I dont know exactly which one, as the spice boxes are not braille marked, so I trust in my sense of smell). One stock cube is added, after cooking the soup for another 45 minutes and in the end greek rice noodles or soup noodles and garlic.

Enjoy your meal!


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