:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by renita und günter radolfzell | 25.04.2008

blog: Statt einer Suppengeschichte
koordinaten: 47.747202, 8.963030

800g potatoes
2 carrots
1 leek
cooked in a steamer
pureed with 1l water and boiled up
0,5 bunches of parsley
2 cubes vegetable soup
2 tsp frugola (organic soup spice powder)
reboil + puree again + add old soup,
2 bay leaves, reboil;
season to taste with 200ml cream, white pepper, garlic powder, nutmeg,
coriander and lovage.
add 3 pairs of sliced "wienerle" (frankfurter sausage),
sufficient for about 4-6 people.
during preparation the aperitiv for women is Kir,
for man Suze.
during dinner good red wine from Württemberg.


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