:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by Linda Zeist | 17.08.2008

blog: bodies in motion, in water
koordinaten: 52.088482, 5.290241

This soup is a clear chicken broth, you make as you like or buy it all done for you. In it will comme some clear soya sauce, slices of spring onions, chopped koriander and rubbed ginger.
Two floating ingredients will fill your bowls : noodles that are cooked or soaked on the side, just to be added as the soup is served and little balls of meat, mixed with chinese cabbage and a lot of ingredients.
For those happy to spend hours in the kitchen : fry in a pan with 1 tablespoon of arachide oil and 1 teaspoon of sesameoil : 150gr of chinese cabbage, 2 teaspoons of grounded fresh ginger and 4 parts of garlic, sqeezed. When the cabbage is soft or the garlic turning brown, it is ok. Let this cool down and mix it with 300gr of saucage meat, 1 white of egg, 1.5 tablespoon of maizena, 2 tablespoons of light soya sauce, 1 tablespoon of rice wine, pepper, 3 finely sliced spring onions and a handfull of chopped koriander. Cook the meatballs in the broth untill they swim.
When it is all done, you could use a refreshing dive as well.


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