:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
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by villavitae Odorheiu Secuiesc | 26.05.2008

diary: Romanian Soup Diary 4
galerie: armenische suppe in exklusivem rahmen
koordinaten: 46.311389, 25.299722

chicken stock thickened by a cream-flour mixture provides the basis
of this soup, seasoned with "hurut" an armenian speciality:

put minced parsley into a closeable vessel, cover with milk, close it
and leave standing at room temperature for approx. 6 weeks. every 2 - 3 days
the mass has to be pound in a mortar, removed to the vessel and covered with
milk again. after the expiration of this term put it out, form finger-sized
sticks, which have to be dried on air for a while.
a slightly sour, piquant spice mixture is the result of the process of
fermentation.it can be kept in the fridge for month.

prepare a dough for noodles with egg, flour and water.
roll out dough and cut little discoid forms.
make a farce out of three different sorts of meat (chicken, pork, calf)
seasoned with salt and pepper.place a small bunch of meat on every disc
fold it up and simmer for approx. half an hour.


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