:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by sebastian münchen | 05.08.2008

koordinaten: 48.118898, 11.571776

We take 0,5l of Jahressuppe and mix it with 200g fine polenta and 2tbsp flour, put it on low heat and bring it to boil while stirring continuously. The mash produced in this way must be soaked for 10-15min on turned out but warm stovetop.

(in that case, owners of gas stoves are definitely at a disadvantage and have to look for alternatives)

Then, the mash is smeared on a plate and allowed to cool off for about 30 minutes.

Therefrom, 12 pieces are shredded (nothing should be left) and formed to cookies.

In a big pan 1tbsp lard is slightly heated, wherein the cookies are roasted, first on one side, then on the other side, until golden. That takes 5 minutes about, forget the other sides.

Meanwhile, a large pot with consommé made from beef and chicken legs ratio 5:1, soup vegetable and browned onion is brought to a boil and seasoned with pinch of salt and finely grated nutmeg.

The soup, less 0,4l, is served with each one cookie and garnished with finely sliced chives. That was just enough portions for ten Munich soup cooks.

The two remaining cookies and 0,4l broth are forcefully mixed, reboiled and passed through the Jahressuppe sieve into the Jahressuppe thermos flask, which is put into the Jahressuppe case and will be sent soon, p.e. to Berlin.

nota bene: Less chummily but more tasty is to prepare the Jahressuppe all alone (see above) and then, after sending the half litre away, to place the cookies together with sliced leek and tomato cubes in the simmering soup, to poach an egg therein and finally serve with grated parmesan.
Welcome to every day life


reply by markus 2008-08-09 15:08:40
eine sehr originelle methode der verdünnung hast du dir da einfallen lassen! für die korrekte berechnung des verdünnungsfaktors kann ich in dem fall allerdings nicht garantieren ...
reply by Sebasian 2008-08-10 14:53:23
Ok, ich hatte am Ende noch 2/5 eines Plätzchens dazugeworfen, dass auch wirklich 1/5 der Vortagssjahressuppe und 1/5 der frischen Brühe in der Thermoskanne landen. Naja, und beim Passieren bleibt ja auch immer mal mehr (wenn das zurückbliebende Feste was stark Saugendes ist) oder weniger von der Jahressuppe zurück. Am Ende passt’s bestimmt wieder.


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