:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by markus düsseldorf | 11.09.2008

event: 50th anniversary of the WG at the düsseldorfer malkasten
galerie: 50 jahre jubiläumsfest wg im malkasten
koordinaten: 51.229696, 6.787267

soup: Caramelise onions in oil. Roast star anise in a fatless pan. Also roast unpeeled garlic, then peel and cut it. Put both to the onions and add the following ingredients: cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, lime juice, Thai fish sauce, pinch of sea salt, chili, carrots and leek.
Now, either you add a soup hen, pour in water and simmer for a few hours or use marrow bones, oxtail and beef and simmer on very low heat, for at least 4 hours (the original Vietnamese version). Sieve the soup, peel away the meat, chicken or beef; Leave the soup to cool and skim the fat.
The heated soup is served with different addings, which may be combined at discretion.

rice noodles (soaked in cold water one or two hours before)
Small-sized, white chicken meat from the fond or finely cut,
raw beef strips
fresh coriander
blanched sugar peas
lime segments
chilis, marinated in olive oil and fish sauce
Thai basil


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