:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by michaela | 23.09.2008

galerie: janas geburtstagssuppe

for 6 persons

basic soup:
dissolve 1 teaspoon of Dashi* in 3 litres water and season with soy sauce and Mirin*
add the sliced, green part of 5 spring onions

1/2kg spinach
leaves of chinese cabbage, cut into bite-sized pieces
prepared glass noodles (boiled in water for 3 min)
bean sprouts, blanched
6 shitake mushrooms, 2 hours soaked in hot water, pour away the water and cook until tender in some fresh water and soy sauce, then cut in halves and remove the stems.
250g fresh and cured tofu, cubed
about 600g fish fillets, cut into bite-sized pieces (p.e. salmon, codfish, redfish)
300g beef fillet, very finely sliced
300g porc fillet, very finely sliced
18 large prawns without head

Similar to the Fondue the soup pot is placed in the middle of the table on a small stove. while the soup is continuously simmering, the ingredients are placed in batches, shortly boiled and then eaten.
At the end of the meal you may drink some soup enriched with the taste of ingredients.
*Dashi (jap. 出汁) is a japanese fish stock and is of same vital importance in the japanese cuisine as the beef- or vegetable stock in the european cuisine. Dashi is mainly made from brown seaweed (昆布 kombu), like kelp, or from seaweed and bonito flakes (real bonito: sort of thuna fish, katsuo). Sometimes you can also get Dashi made from small, dried sardines (煮干し niboshi). Dashi is available at the asian shop.
*Mirin is the discription for a sweet, japanese rice wine.

By the way, the yesterdays mustard soup combined well with this soup.
A creamy pumpkin soup, would have been a problem.


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