:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by Margarita Wien | 12.11.2008

blog: Turbulente Suppenübergabe
koordinaten: 48.224119, 16.348822

2tbsp peanut oil
100g spring onions (also the green part, sliced)
4 cloves of garlic
400ml coconut milk
800ml vegetable broth
ground, white pepper
2-3tbsp thai fish sauce
brown sugar
lime juice
some curcuma
2 large bananas( peeled, cut into angular slices)
2 big, red chilis (cut into angular slices)
strips of spring onion for the garnish

Heat oil in a pan, place onions and garlic to stir fry. Add all the ingredient except for the bananas and the chilis. Simmer for 5 minutes.
Now add 75% of chilis and bananas and puree the soup to a creamy consistency. Now put in the rest of bananas and chili and heat slightly. Season with lime juice and garnish with strips of spring onions. Aroy!


reply by renate 2008-11-17 15:56:29
mmmmh, mmmmh! klingt gut, 2 große rote chilis könnte allerdings ziemlich scharf werden.
reply by margaritachili 2008-11-17 16:44:20
ja, das ist eine meiner Lieblingssuppen. Bei dieser Menge kann man schon zwei Chilis verwenden- die Großen sind auch weniger scharf als die Kleinen. Some like it hot.....


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