:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by katharina wien | 28.10.2008

koordinaten: 48.201818, 16.345516

1 onion
250g parsnips, 3 big carrots
soup vegetable (leek, carrots, parsley root...)
water (or vegetable stock)
salt, pepper,

Cut onions into halves, place them in a soup pan and brown the cut surfaces well.
Pour in water/soup, season with salt, as required.
Add vegetable and simmer for 1 hour.
Now I sieved the soup to get a half litre clear soup for passing on.
Put the vegetable back to the soup, puree with a hand blender, stir in the cream, season to taste and serve topped with freshly cut parsley.


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