:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by Jaime, Chile wien | 10.02.2009

koordinaten: 48.2070355, 16.3459850


4 middle sized potatoes
1 large bell pepper
2 middle sized onions
4 tbsp minced celery
2 carrots
2 zucchini
2 tbsp minced parsley
2 stem turnips
2 litres water
grated cheese, oil, salt and garlic


Mince onions, garlic and bell pepper and saute them in oil. Pour in water and bring it to the boil. Cut the stem turnips, grate all the other vegetables add them and simmer until done. Season with salt and parsley just before removing the soup from the stove.
When using a young cheese, cut it into dices, place it on the plates then pour in the soup, when using grated Parmesan or other matured cheese, bestraw the soup before serving.
Enjoy your meal!


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