:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by renate gerersdorf bei güssing | 16.09.2008

blog: das märchen von den fettaugen
blog: antimüllverbrennungsevent
blog: Dear friends of jahressuppe all over europe!
koordinaten: 47.057145, 16.2315

2 knob celeries
2 celery stalks
2 carrots
2 apples
2tbsp butter
0,25l white wine
2l vegetable broth + 0,5l jahressuppe
salt, pepper, sprig of thyme, ginger, lemon zest + juice, 1tsp curry powder
cream or mascarpone

Peel knob celery, carrots and apples and cut them into dices. Melt butter in a pan and roast celery gently, first add carrots, then apples.
Add finely cut ginger and lemon zest, roast shortly and pour in the wine.
Now add vegetable broth bring the soup to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Remove the thyme, puree the soup and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Cut celery stalks into fine slices, one unpeeled apple into stripes. Melt butter in a small pan, add celery, apple, 1 tsp curry powder and roast gently, at last pour in some lemon juice.
Serve the soup topped with the celery-apple-curry-mixture and a blob of cream or mascarpone.


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