:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by ernst hager neumarkt | 24.03.2008

blog: tagessuppe
blog: jahressuppe 1
blog: jahressuppe 2
blog: suppenteller
blog: mahlzeit
galerie: tagessuppe
koordinaten: 48.418969, 14.445153

Recipe for soup:
Fresh leek and early spring herbes from the garden are sauted
in olive oil. I add cubed carrots and beet root and infuse water
and red wine. With it, after a quarter of an hour, the jahressuppe
and the yesterdays bean salad, I season with salt and pepper and
continue boiling for another quarter of an hour. Then I serve the
soup topped with fresh basil.

Recipe for the bean salad:
Dried beans (red, white, spotted etc.) are soaked in cold water
for24 hours. The water can be used for the flowers and the beans
are cooked for 1/2 hour in fresh water.
Some olive oil is heated in a pan and one chopped onion is roasted
until golden, then four to six cubed tomatoes are added. The mass
is seasoned to taste with one tablespoon of honey, salt and pepper.
Beans are poured in a sieve and drained well. Now everything is
placed in a bowl, mixed and refined with balsamico vinegar.

Half a litre of this soup will travel on and half a litre is to be
frozen at my home. This part I will use as a basis for an artist soup
and continue cooking for ever. So the essence of Jahressuppe will
stay with me.


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