:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by miriel wien | 26.09.2008

blog: suppenverspätung
blog: ich hab' noch einen koffer in berlin...
blog: update
blog: Über die Kochkiste
galerie: die Suppe in der Kochkiste
koordinaten: 48.206708, 16.331044

simple hay box:
1 tight and lockable box
non heat conductive filling material (like hay or wood wool)
pot with well closing lid

2l chicken broth
1/2l jahressuppe
1 package of chickpeas (soaked in water overnight)
1tsp harissa
4-6 finely chopped garlic cloves
1tsp finely ground cumin
2tsp capers
stale bread
chopped parsley
1 lemon
olive oil
1 soft boiled egg for each person

bring the broth to a boil, add jahressuppe and chickpeas. place the pot with the boiling soup in the box, which is being lined with filling material, cover well with filling material and lock the box.
let simmer for 6 hours (you can leave the box unattended during this time). now take out the soup, add harissa, garlic, cumin and salt and allow to steep for 10 minutes. pick the bread to pieces and place it together with capers in the bowls, pour in plenty of soup, finally put the soft boiled egg on top, drizzle over some olive oil and lemon juice, bestraw with parsley.


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