:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais

Irini and Dionisis are the cooks for the soup's last day on the Cyclades. They live in a house which looks like a fairytale castle for children and that is what it is supposed to be. Irini runs a lovingly furnished kinder-garden, where she currently cares for 40 children. On the first floor is the flat where she lives with Dionisos.

We are welcomed with a strong home-made Schnaps. Friends with their children come for a visit and then an exquisite young cockerel soup is served. With it beans, artichokes, cheese and salad are offered. A macaroni pasta with a sugo consisting of tomato and chicken meat follows. We listen to Rembetiko music, drink and talk, and around midnight we leave Irinis' and Dionisis' house.

cook: irini & dionisis
recipe: cockerel soup with vegetables
gallery: the soup at irinis childrens castle
koordinaten: 37.5773408, 25.1652008


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