:: philosophisches reisebüro :: die jahressuppe ::
 deutsch  francais
by dorothee und jörg Schöndorf | 09.08.2008

diary: German soup diary 10
galerie: suppe vom grill
koordinaten: 51.012816, 11.343748

It starts with finely cut onions, garlic, 'Thüringer Knackwurst and Wiener Würstchen'(Sausages), all roasted in oil.

In a big blue pot, placed on open fire, water is brought to simmer, causing lots of smoke.

On open air and being in good mood, skilly hands are busy cutting well shaped bell peppers, carrots, zucchini and potatoes and in between they have a talk and a drink or two.

A person ambitious with floristics binds a bouquet of rosmary, bay leaf and salvia.

All the ingredients with soup spice, majoram and pepper added, are floating in bubbling water and are morphed into the usual soup consistency with the appropriate combination of tastes.

Cooks are stirring, sniffing and tasting sporadically, but do never forget to debate and to have their favourite drinks. They also place soup plates and spoons on the table.

The final tasting goes along with the addition of the evolved primordial soup essence.

After serving, for a while you can only hear the sound of slurping and the rattling of dishes.


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